
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jalepeño Paste

Jalepeño paste; sounds nasty and weird right? Well well… you are in for a kick! I typically prefer to shy away from spicy foods or salsas or any kind of hot sauces. J on the other hand… he prefers everything the spicy way… with an extra kick. This is my worst nightmare, lol. But because I enjoy cooking for him… I make dishes spicy, just for him. He's tried all kinds of hot sauces and salsas… it's just never hot enough for him. I tasted jalepeño paste at my aunts house one day… and right away I knew it was something he'd almost die for. So as soon as we got back home, I attempted it! It was amazing. He ate it with almost everything. The consistency of it is just perfect- it's not to watery or too thick. It stores well in a glass jar, and you can use a spoon to put some directly on your food or on the side of your plate. I took pictures of my progress this time around… except towards the end; I got so busy in the kitchen, I completely forgot to take pictures of the end result!

What you need:

  • Jalepeños
  • Serrano peppers
  • Red peppers ( I only had red pepper flakes)
  • Garlic
  • Oil
  • Vinegar
  • Salt to taste

Start with your Jalepeño's and Serrano peppers

Cut off the ends of them

Slice them long ways, in fours 

Add them to a skillet, with about 1 1/2 TBS of oil 

Next, chop up some garlic. I did about 8-9 of them, sliced them in half 

Add the garlic to the skillet

Add your red peppers (flakes) right about now

I sautéed them for about 30-40 mins on low heat… you want them to cook as slowly as possible till they're really tender

Next is where I stopped taking pictures. After you're peppers are nice and tender, you want to put them in a food processor, with some salt and a little vinegar. This process is trial and error. Each time I've made it, I've used a different amount of salt and vinegar. So my best tip is to just taste it as you go. Your end result should should have "paste" consistency. 

Then, go ahead and put it on everything you eat! Egg's, sandwiches, rice, chicken, tortilla chips etc! 

Enjoy :)

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